On the 31st October 2019 Trinity House hosted the six-monthly meeting of the STORMLAMP team in their historic Tower Hill headquarters in London. We were pleased to be joined by representatives of Irish Lights and the Northern Lighthouse Board, the other two organisations that form the UK and Irish General Lighthouse Authorities. Having the GLAs all together meant we could discuss how best to draw together the STORMLAMP findings so they could directly impact operations. Also in attendance were the Environment Agency who were interested to hear how STORMLAMP methods have been applied to modelling wave impacts on a Cornish harbour wall. In addition to discussing all work packages we enjoyed a tour of the building, including the fine painting, models and treasures that it houses. It was a fitting venue for our meeting and we are grateful to Trinity House for their generous hospitality.

Smeaton’s original book describing the construction of Eddystone Lighthouse Winstanley’s 1st lighthouse on Eddystone. Survived only one winter
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